Wednesday, 5 February 2014

4 Sure Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Pages

If you decide to work on sites like Triond, Expertscolumn, or Wikinut, or if you own a blog ,you need to drive traffic to your pages. For someone with very few contacts it's a real difficult job.So one has to be popular on social networking sites to attract people to their pages.
This post is for the ones who are struggling with their blogs or trying too hard to monetize their content on pay-to-write sites. My first advice to them is —

Write content that people want to read : What do people want to read ? Something related to money and fitness. Millions of people all over the internet are desperately in search of ways to earn money online. Everybody wants some extra cash and there are lots of people who don't have jobs and want to earn a decent living by working online. If you know some ways to make money online then write about it in detail. If you know fitness tips or unique ways to cure diseases then you can share them too. People are always looking up fitness tips on the internet.

Join a number of open groups on various social networking sites —That's advice number two. There are tons of open groups on Facebook where you can post the links to your articles. Google+ communities are even better, I must say. Apart from Facebook and Google+ you can tweet the links to your articles on Twitter if you have some followers. Don't worry if you are alone on Twitter because you have another great place to share your work : LinkedIn groups. They are amazing with lots of people who are willing to read your content for their own benefit.

Advice number three : Join  Forum Promotion  — There's nothing like Forum Promotion.Trust me ! Got a blog/forum ? Wanna share it with the world ? It's the best place to promote your blog. Be very active on there and use your blog url or the url of your pages as your signature.

And finally Blog Carnival  —Submit the url s of your blog articles on there. There are several categories of blog carnivals like carnival of money,carnival of health ,carnival of cities, and the list goes on. It can be a very good source of  traffic.


  1. Please use a space after periods. Thank you.

  2. I have lot of traffic my site. Question is, how do I monetise it? How can I get subscriptions or registration to work on my site?

